For those of you who are interested (or maybe in the growth spurt boat with me), day 2 was a teeny bit better. Took him 3 hours to fall asleep last night, but then he only woke once. Wahoooo! Sleep!
And then...
He barely napped all day.
Needless to say, I was a tad (ok, extremely) grumpy/angry/completely doubting my skills as a mom :) BUT!!! Then I talked to a dear friend who's going through the same thing and we were able to have a little pity party. Misery loves company :)
I'm constantly reminding myself that my little boob hogging monster baby is meeting milestones and growing like a weed. And, most importantly, this won't last forever.
Now, time to put this crazy man to bed (maybe!).
PS: How do you pass the time during marathon night time nursing sessions?
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