Thursday, February 13, 2014

Growth Spurt Update |You're Killin' Me, Smalls|

Just sitting here in the dark nursing my babe and praying he sleeps halfway decently tonight.  Fingers crossed!

For those of you who are interested (or maybe in the growth spurt boat with me), day 2 was a teeny bit better. Took him 3 hours to fall asleep last night, but then he only woke once. Wahoooo! Sleep!

And then...
He barely napped all day. 

Needless to say, I was a tad (ok, extremely) grumpy/angry/completely doubting my skills as a mom :) BUT!!! Then I talked to a dear friend who's going through the same thing and we were able to have a little pity party. Misery loves company :)

I'm constantly reminding myself that my little boob hogging monster baby is meeting milestones and growing like a weed. And, most importantly, this won't last forever. 

Now, time to put this crazy man to bed (maybe!). 


PS: How do you pass the time during marathon night time nursing sessions?

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