My hope is that some glassy-eyed exhausted mom out there might read this post today and say, "I KNEW it was normal!"
If your baby has never ever taken an hour long nap, let me tell you you're not alone. When Little was around 6 weeks old, he stopped doing the newborn fall-dead-asleep-at-the-drop-of-a-hat thing. He instead fought naps like crazy and in turn was driving me crazy. I clearly remember days when he and I would both be crying while I was trying to rock him to sleep.
Everything I read said my baby should be getting x amount of sleep during the day and x amount of sleep at night. I also read that naps less than 45 minutes long were not restorative and by not getting my baby to sleep the right number of hours in a day my baby was going to turn into an overtired monster.
I was searching for help out here in the interwebs and what I found was a load of crap. Instead of giving helpful advice or (gasp!) a little encouragement, the sleep websites were full of people trying to sell books and a bunch of moms bragging about their babies who had always been good sleepers. Gag.
So, let me be the voice of reason floating around the internet. If your baby takes cat naps, he or she is... NORMAL.
I realized that although his naps were short and he wasn't all that great at falling asleep during the day, he was happy and healthy and getting decent sleep at night. I (sorta) stopped stressing myself out about it and ditched the schedule. Instead of trying to feed every three hours (he still eats about every 2.5 hours during the day) and get him down for a nap after some awake time, I decided to just feed him on demand and put him down for a nap when he was tired. So basically I feed him every 2.5-3 hours and out him down after he's awake for about an hour and a half. This means that sometimes I nurse him to sleep and sometimes I don't. So sue me :)
I have decided to go with the flow. He's not going to be a baby forever, so instead of freaking out (and believe me, I was actually freaking out) about it, I am choosing to embrace it. And what do ya know- now that I'm just doing what feels right, he's actually started taking some longer naps.
I know this was a long post, but I really feel strongly that those sleep websites are designed to make type A moms like me feel like there's something wrong with our babies when, in fact, they are all just babies. So, my advice to you is embrace the crap naps and ditch the "schedule". Life's too short to get your nightie in a knot.
|PS| if your babe takes teeny tiny naps, I'd love to hear from you! Let's form a club or something. Or better yet, let's write a book in all our spare time ;).